Posts Tagged ‘health’

10 Steps to Avoid The Freshman 15

September 9th, 2009

That scale must be wrong it says I gained 30 pounds instead of 15
That scale must be wrong it says I gained 30 pounds instead of 15

Students mention it on campus. Friends of yours give you warnings. You’ve heard the stories about it. There’s no doubt that college students everywhere are following the “Beware the Freshman 15” message that is floating around campus.

What is it?

The “Freshman 15” is a term used to describe the weight gain many college students experience (usually in their Freshman year). Dormitory food is usually high in fat and calories, and you may not have the free time you once had for exercise.  Before you know it WAM! you have just gained 15 pounds. You don’t notice it but, when you come home for thanksgiving your friends and family sure will.  Follow this simple guide to steer clear of the infamous threat. » Read more: 10 Steps to Avoid The Freshman 15