Archive for December, 2008

10 Tips to Score High On the SAT!

December 31st, 2008

SAT have you stressed?

Don’t worry. It’s not the end of the world.

Although the SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) is a crucial ingredient to the Getting-Into-College formula, stressing yourself out over it will only hurt your cause rather than help it.

Students in High School are often encouraged to register and take the SAT early. For upperclassmen, this is the time where colleges are reviewing applications and sending out letters of acceptance, this is also a prime time for underclassmen to prepare for the SAT. A great way to get started is to visit The College Board for SAT/ACT registration and preparation.

To really make it simple, there is no easy way to study for a perfect score on this test. The best way to score your best is to approach it with different strategies like knowing how to write a well-constructed essay so that it will be a breeze, regardless of the topic.

Here are 10 tips to help you score high on the SAT:

Learn the section directions

before you go in to take the test. This saves time and allows you more time to work on questions.

Answer easy questions first.

Don’t spend too much time on harder questions. Mark skipped questions in your exam book so you can quickly return to them later.

Guess the answer,

and try to eliminate at least one of the choices provided.

You can write in the test book:

cross out wrong answers; do your mathwork on the pages. What matters is the answer sheet.

Make your mark heavy and dark.

You’ve heard it from all your teachers. A machine scores the test and can’t tell the difference between a correct answer and a careless doodle.

Skip questions

if you have no idea what the answer could be. You don’t lose any points for skipping. It’s always a good idea to use any spare time you have to go back to it and take a second look.

Understand the scoring!

You get 1 point for a right answer. You lose a fractional point for a wrong answer. There is no deduction for omitted answers, or for wrong answers in the math section’s student-produced response questions.

Keep track of the time.

Don’t spend too much time on any one question. You should spend only seconds on the easiest questions, and hesitate to spend more than 1-2 minutes on even the hardest ones. Also, bring a watch. Don’t depend on your proctor to have an accurate clock in the room!

First instincts can be your friend.

Don’t change an answer unless you’re sure you made an error.

Sleep well the night before,

and eat breakfast the day of the test. Proper rest always helps your brain and body function smoothly, and breakfast will help you remain alert and remember your test-taking skills.

Federal Government Leaves Children Behind

December 30th, 2008
Would You Leave Me Behind?

Would You Leave Me Behind?

Education policy experts say it will likely be at least a year before a reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act occurs, as President-elect Barack Obama’s administration has placed a priority on economic recovery and health care reform.

The No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) is the current version of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the fundamental federal law governing K-12 education. The National Education Association strongly supports the stated goals of the law — to raise student learning, close achievement gaps, and ensure that every child is taught by a highly qualified teacher. But, simply put, the law is not working.

Many states have struggled to meet the requirements set forth by law, while others have chosen to sue.

NCLB is up for reauthorization this year, and NEA is asking Congress to make three fundamental changes in the law so that it works for children:

  1. Use more than test scores to measure student learning and school performance;
  2. Reduce class size to help students learn;
  3. Increase the number of highly qualified teachers in our schools.

NEA currently supports 145 bills introduced in Congress to revise NCLB.

NEA also calls for adequate funding of NCLB. NEA state-by-state data shows how current funding falls far below the level set in the law.